
经典电影广告语汇总精选 看电影心情短语精选

人气:245 ℃/2024-05-23 04:13:15

1、Keeping the faith(一如既往): if you have to believe in something, you might as well believe in love

2、Spy 《金牌间谍》— Attitude meets Espionage.

3、Tomb Raider 2 《古墓丽影》2— The lady returns.

4、Closer(偷心): if you believe in love at first sight, you never stop looking

5、Terminator 3 《终结者》3 — Rise of the machines.

6、Corpse bride(僵尸新娘): there’s been a great misunderstanding Crash(撞车): live your life at the point of impact

7、Flags of our fathers(父辈的旗帜): a single shot can end a war

8、The Four Feathers 《四根羽毛》— Freedom. Country. Honor. Passion.

9、Brokeback mountain(断背山): love is a force of nature Cars(汽车总动员): objects in mirror are closer than they appear


11、Charlie's Angels 《霹雳娇娃》— Get some action.

12、We Were Soldiers 《越战忠魂》— Fathers. Brothers. Husbands & Sons.

13、Spirit 《小马王》— Leader. Hero. Legend.

14、The Ninth Gate《第九鬼门关》— Leave the unknown alone. 风声过后世间再无传奇——《风声》

15、Showtime 《作秀时刻》— Lights. Camera. Aggravation.

16、The Lost World 《迷失的世界》— Something has survived.

17、Moulin Rouge 《红磨坊》— Truth. Beauty. Freedom. Love.

18、The Mask 《变相怪杰》— From zero to hero.

19、Dreamgirls(梦女孩): all you have to do is dream

20、再接再厉 比(卧卧底)更爆话题!——《同门》

21、Gladiator 《角斗士》— A hero will rise.

22、Despredo(杀人三部曲): he came back to settle the score with someone, anyone, everyone

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