

人气:139 ℃/2024-06-09 01:03:15


2、Life, after all kinds of ups and downs and harvest, my thoughts are really mature, no longer naive to face problems, but calm thinking.



5、In this nostalgic season, beautiful campus, please remember to collect more beautiful campus complex, in order to miss many years later.

6、Youth is short, and in this short time our task is very heavy. Let the flowers blossom heartily, as long as it is not a crime of wasting one's time, then I'd like to.

7、I really loved, and really hated, but those love, hate, so hastily passed, now I think I really do not regret, if I choose again, I will do so again.





12、Youth is far away, I have listened to you; travel is far away, I also see in the superficial compensation of the floating map; I now have only that volume of lonely poetry still in mind.



15、Look up at the sky, sow beautiful feelings, let the flowers of youth burst out in the struggle; down-to-earth, transplant happy love seedlings, let young seedlings grow in the struggle.




19、Fire burns the blood of youth, ice water freezes the young bones, so that a new generation stands proud because of cruelty, smart because of brilliance, and legendary because of magnificence.

20、The real success of life lies not in the size of achievements, but in whether you strive to realize yourself, shout out your voice, and walk out of your own path.



24、Bow is a kind of ability, it is not inferiority, nor cowardice, it is the evolution of sober. Sometimes, a little bow, or our life will be more exciting.

25、Youth is like toilet paper, looking at a lot, using it is no longer used; life is like a novel book, feeling very thick, lifting the end. Young we should: cherish youth, cherish life.




29、Don't control pressure, we don't need to follow the time, just follow the mentality and ability, follow the fate, try our best, reach our destiny, have a clear conscience, and give the rest to God.


31、I miss the perfection of the old days. Youth is a mirage, and perfection is fleeting. Perhaps the so-called immortality can only end with a cup like Ruan Guan.



34、What life can never lose: the power of self-control, the calm mind, hope and confidence. Take exercise as the foundation, learn to be healthy; take learning as the foundation, learn to seek knowledge; take virtue as the foundation, learn to behave; take adaptation as the foundation, learn to survive.

35、A person who can see things from other people's ideas and understand other people's spiritual activities should never worry about his future.

36、Dancing youth, let us gallop freely in a happy beat! Dancing youth, let us have a happy mentality, sufficient preparation for the entrance examination! Vibrate our youth, let's muster up courage and go to the other side of success together! uuuuuuuuuuu

37、Everyone has his own youth. Youth is like a symphony, playing the brilliant and colorful life; Youth is like a script, interpreting the colorful life; Youth is like life, let us thrive.

38、Youth tastes like coke. She is energetic and passionate. Curiosity for something and enthusiasm for something are all bestowed on us by youth.

39、Even if I finish last, at least I'm athletic. And I will run the whole distance, as long as I reach the end, I will succeed!

40、Youth, like a singing bird, has burst out of the broken winter window and gone into the blue vault.


42、Some things, not care about, but care about what can be. I just try my best. Life has no if, only consequences and results.


44、People live to solve difficulties. This is the meaning and content of life. Avoidance is not the way. Knowing difficulties is often the best way to solve problems.

45、Learn to bear, because there are always unexpected things happening in life. There is no choice but to bear them silently and face them bravely.


47、It is the beauty of youth, the joy of youth and the essence of youth to think boldly, think tirelessly and move forward.


49、Too much indulgence in youth will lose the nourishment of the soul, and too much restraint will become a dead brain. How beautiful are the blessings and youth! Luminous and feverish, full of color and dreams, youth is the first chapter of the book, is the story of endless forever.

50、As long as people live in this world, there will be many troubles. But pain and happiness depend on your heart.



53、Youth is the first touch of new green in spring, breaking through the bleak and desolate winter, sending greetings to people in spring; Youth is the bright smiling face of children, unconstrained and carefree, bringing joy and vitality to people.


55、With the passage of time, we will eventually grow up. Will we cry because we have to leave in our lives? Will we cry because we are going to die of youth and old age?

56、When you told me that I love you without any hindrance, now you tell me that you want to leave my words with no hindrance.

57、Looking at your face, I have endless topics, like a child's naivety can be spoiled, can be angry, you have more love, I am really lucky.

58、Let's dream of a tomorrow, where there is love rising from the bottom of our heart, and we will finally understand a truth, love is like a creative heart.

59、You who were born today, you young people, now it's your turn! Steady forward on our bodies. I hope you are greater and happier than us.



62、Although the taste of beer entrance is bitter and astringent, but you gently let him flow through the tip of the tongue, and then taste carefully, your tip of the tongue is like a fragrant blossom.

63、Perhaps, youth is a turning point of growth, we only care about the results, but some only the process. After the experience of youth, I know that I am really growing up now.


65、Those who turn straight are wise because they find a shortcut; those who turn straight are open-minded because they can see more scenery. The road is not at your feet, but in your heart.

66、The earth will not change its natural law because of a person's thorough hurt heart. Tomorrow the sun will still rise and life will continue.





71、Survival is the first priority of mankind, and happiness is the only principle of survival. Happiness is the satisfaction of one's soul and spirit, and the most pure and noble enjoyment.

72、When a person is really awakened, he gives up pursuing the wealth of the outside world and starts pursuing the real wealth of his inner world.





77、Life is like a foal crossing a knee, suddenly. However, I will live forever, but I can remember everything you said.


79、The owner of youth should not always talk and watch the clouds at the foot of mountains and rivers. The charm of youth should be that withered branches grow fresh fruits and deserts are covered with forests.

80、But life is a gray humor. Many people are very good, but not lucky enough to meet the right person. Because even if you are willing to do it, it is not so simple.

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