

人气:193 ℃/2023-03-16 09:22:13

1、A man in love and become miserable; A woman in love and become nervous。



4、Men fear into the wrong line, afraid of married the wrong lang。


6、What is in the heart, you will see what, love and marriage is not without regret, but love and marriage, certainly need to faith, as if we believe that the sunshine, the first thing to believe in the sun, and then accept the sun have spots!




10、At home the most afraid of the wife of the man dare not against mother-in-law。 The most afraid of the husband of the woman in the home also dare to against her mother-in-law。


12、The man's affectionate is a pleasure; A woman's affectionate is a kind of depravity。

13、Men fall in love to each other without desire; Women fall in love to each other for nothing。


15、When being lovers, women will make a man love dearly; When a wife, women will let man headache。

16、What is the true love? It is a kind of interaction, not a handout。 Given by the resolve to return favors, or other, will only let each other more pain。

17、What is the true love? It is a kind of induction, not outside。 In pursuit of match, will only cause a lifelong regret to each other。

18、Men fall in love with the eyes。 Women fall in love。



21、Stick to your promise with life, this is love。


23、For the purpose of living men and women to desire to live。

24、Love always hidden in tender heart。

25、Should learn to see the beauty of the soul than shape is so beautiful, should also love to him, he gave birth to the most suitable for making young people benefit。


27、The man's eyes by radiation; But a woman's heart by conduction。

28、Men often vent nagging when drinking, drinking tend to gossip。


30、Talk about the secret of love is good, don't have to be serious, but it must be nice!




34、Life can bear the weight of how much, is how the resilience of a lot of people will forget once that after so many years bring yourself instantly warm strangers of the opposite sex。





39、Of the basic elements of love is to believe that love itself is immortal。



42、Save a place for ourselves, and stay there alone。 Before going out to love。 Don't know what it is, I don't know who it was, I don't know how to love, also don't know how long can love。 Just waiting for a love, maybe never。 But, this kind of waiting is the love itself。

43、If have started, there is no results, I still want to meet, even if to finally understand that you are in full bloom in my touch of reach the other shore。 The feeling, is not as good as you appear in my life。


45、In the world the most eternal happiness is ordinary, in the life most long-time has is to cherish。


47、Love a person is dial the phone, I suddenly don't know what to say, just know originally just want to hear her familiar voice, the original really want to dial, only a string of their own heart。

48、Woman is the man of the world as a whole; The woman is the man's a moon。


50、A man is eager to tell women all problems; Women are willing to listen to a man success。


52、Love is insipid, in real life, is a man to give you warm bed in winter, when angry quarrel with you, lonely people who can pass the time with you, if the lamp at home waiting for you。



55、And to be loved the people get along is the secret for a long time: give up the idea of changing object。

56、After the alleged affair, it is a love and bread, also want to eat cake mood!



59、Some women are spoil her for men fall in love, married to the husband still aches and spoil her, forget as a woman should be part of the job。 Such women don't understand love。

60、Women stay single, people will think there was something wrong with her。 Man persistence celibacy, people will think he has the dedication to work。

61、Women unit one thousand dollars, she will tell the man sent one thousand dollars, told his friend sent five hundred; Man unit one thousand dollars, he would tell a woman sent five hundred, one thousand five hundred told his friends。


63、Woman left after brokenhearted is wound; While men left after brokenhearted is mediocrity。

64、Only when it is free, love will Ye Maohua numerous。 Think love is a compulsory thoughts can kill love。 Just one word: you ought to love one person is enough to make you hate to the people。

65、A man madly in love hour intelligent; The woman madly in love hour but stupid。




69、Lasting love from each other from the heart true love, built on the basis of equality。 Do any crazy love regardless of their ever loved, or just enjoy being loved and people don't know true love will not have a good ending。



72、Love is a kind of alternately troubles and happy things。


74、There is no remedy for love but to love more。


76、Women like to hear a man say another woman was ugly; Men like to listen to woman say another man was failure。


78、I want you to know that there is a person in the world is waiting for you forever, whether in what, no matter where you are, anyway, you know, there is always such a person。

79、Men like to release the bait fishing love, women love poured guard love。




83、Love a person is in her late return to the possibility of one thousand kinds of bad, in the imagine all disaster, swear to take good for her, she came back to meet once they forgot everything。

84、Love does not need to explain, but can explain everything。 Although love is category of the many feelings, but it is far more profound than other, more helpless。


86、Tears with unfortunately anger many men and women face the unfortunate。


88、If you don't remember you for love and make a the most silly of is that you are not really love; If you never pour to talk about the benefits of your lover, impatient, listen to the people you are not really in love before。


90、Some person-to-person meet like the meteor, a sudden out an enviable sparks, but is in a hurry。

91、Who love palace is laying with virtue, with walls of wealth, with a beautiful shine in glory roofing, who is the most happy people。

92、Man is the mud, women are clean water, mud, water turbidity; More water, mud dilute; No less, knead into two clay figurine。


94、Only need one minute can run into a person, an hour to like someone, a day to fall in love with a person, but it takes lifetime to forget a person。

95、Once upon a time there was a boy and a girl, the boy said to the girl if I have a bowl of porridge, I'll give you half of them。 Girl grew up, married, but she always think of the boy, she felt that is the love of her life。

96、Don't ask how much I love you, I really can not say it, just know that you have become a habit in my life, indispensable habit, every day, every day can not eat, not sleeping, but can't not miss you。


98、Love, is that people are born with an instinct, do not need to deliberately looking for, it's there, it is an endless supply of energy, and endless。


100、A bosom friend is like a mirror, reflecting the most beautiful part of our nature。

101、Only love without marriage will easily burst like a bubble; Only the marriage without love would like the plain boiled water is easy to be tired。

102、Mature love, respect, loyalty is not easy, it's voice is low, it is humility, concession, latent, waiting and waiting。


104、It doesn't matter whether or not suitable, the most important is supposed to be fun to xing when, otherwise there is no common language, even if together, will still feel lonely。


106、Love is a kind of feeling, use any thing to modify it to use any language to decorate it is not appropriate because it is a kind of induction between two people who love each other。


108、People are not only beautiful and lovely, but because the lovely is beautiful。

109、Men and women for the first time to go to bed is difficult, since more and more easily; Women and men to go to bed for the first time is very easy, more and more difficult in the future。












121、Love is trust, is tolerance, is to caress, is miss all the time, and responsibility for each other。 Love is the most intimate relationships。

122、Just sad, just just just decided to give up, just forget to cry, just just just to meet you。

123、If you love her, let your love like sunshine surrounded her, and gave her freedom。



126、The beauty of man lies not in the physical appearance, clothing and hair style, but in his itself, lies in his heart, if people do not have inner beauty, we often dislike his good looks。


128、Man is rich in mobile phone first, and then in the car, and then in the house, the last to change clothes; The opposite rich woman。


130、Love is inclusive rather than indulgence, love is caring rather than love, love is mutual blend not unrequited love, love is the subway and not all is sweet。

131、The world can elapse everything, love can be always, in spite of love so sad。 Only memories, will, in the form of a deep reach, remaining in my heart。


133、The beauty of a women realize their man's sorrow。 Men realized that their talent is a woman's happiness。

134、Love is a wonderful thing, can let two strangers became the most intimate, then walk hand in hand for a lifetime。


136、Men are realistic captive, women are the master of the dream。



139、A woman say to you "hate" indicates that she likes you; The man says to you "hate" he really hate you。

140、Women expect of a man than price rise faster; Men have about women feelings than the stock market also frequently。

141、You are my guess at a loss, I am insignificant you think not。


143、Do the woman must withstand panic, afford to elaborate, endure live cheat, forget a promise, put down everything, use to smile finally to disguise to drop down of tears。


145、The moment shooting through the beautiful! Or short, but the beauty of the pain and only the sky know, because it has no ability to keep that beautiful and short meteor! Meteor is always the sky short have, only the same stars is always the most beautiful in the sky!

146、In a world of love, no who sorry who, only who don't know to cherish who。


149、Life is a scenery, love is a bunch of flowers。 Without flowers, scenery is not beautiful, without love, life is easy to become desolate land。





154、Deep feeling is I can't afford to bear the heavy burden, sweet prattle just chance to lie。


156、If I do not love you, I wouldn't miss you, I will not envy your side of the opposite sex, I won't lose self-confidence and fight, I will not pain。 If I can not love you, that this much good。

157、Men want to do a woman's first love, women want to do a man's last lover。

158、Some things, we know is wrong, also want to insist, because not voluntarily; Some people, we know is love, also want to give up, because no end; Sometimes, we know no way, but also in the forward, because habit。

159、Love to bi, marriage make people numb。 Experience a fall in love like to eat chocolate, even if you don't have to pay for chocolate, also have to pay money to lose weight。


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