

人气:381 ℃/2024-06-10 04:28:57


2、The greatest characteristic of great men is their allegiance to their subordinates.


4、Our army is not a coward. All the coward should be killed off like flies. Otherwise, they will go home after the war and give birth to more cowards. Lao Tzu yingxionger hero, Lao Tzu coward son wussies. Kill all the dog days of cowards, our country will be the brave world.

5、Victory is not earned only by the sacrifice of its own, but more importantly, by the enemy's sacrifice for his country.


8、War is the execution of a simple violence, written in the form of a very pale and devoid of passion.

9、Your desire for a special talent depends on your character and ambition.


11、The war may be more beautiful than the carving, the war is a wonderful intellectual competition, the war in the "butcher" and the role of carving knife.



14、It is because of the lack of trained specialists in the army that the blood of the soldiers, the tears of our people, is lost.


16、Leadership is the key to winning the war. I have this ability - but I don't know how to define it, maybe he knows what you want to do, and then do it, and you'll go nuts if anyone gets involved. Confidence and leadership are twins.

17、It seems like I'm the only one who really enjoys the damn war.


19、It might sound silly to be a soldier of life, but I'm sure it's a place where the army doesn't deserve to be.



22、Nothing can stop the outbreak of war, as long as our grandson, grandson's grandson alive in the world, then there will be war, all we can do is to maintain a long period of peace between the two wars.

23、May I dream is such a silly love boy, I have been living in a dream full of war in the world, in my world, only the war is real, but other things are not true, even if such a person is engaged in the occupation, he has always dreamed of, is also engaged in he didn't want to or do not have the ability to engage in occupation. I have no idea but to spend my life in the army. I've been addicted to this dream for too long, so that other dreams are dead.

24、A soldier, as a citizen, has a duty to be a force, and whatever the reward he receives, it is a pure gift.

25、My biggest regret is that I didn't get killed at the end of the war. Otherwise, I will be more perfect in your eyes!




29、The so-called personal heroism is a pile of horse dung. The bilious Lamar in the Saturday Evening Post on the shit guy, to really fight understanding, knowledge is not more than they do women.


31、It is wrong for our education to say that death is a terrible thing. Death is no big deal, it's easy to grasp.





36、The only way to keep the enemy from attacking you is to attack him.


38、The man who has suffered through bloodshed, sweating, pain, and the power of his country will truly feel that he is a part of the country.

39、If there is no fight, then no matter what career I do not matter, that in addition to being a soldier, I will not.


41、One of the best soldiers should have the best ending in the final battle was the last bullet hit, in the last breath to see the victory of the flag before rising.



44、Cherish tradition, love excitement and desire for honor. If you take these three things, what is the meaning of life?

45、All lay in the great warrior immortal line of life and death, they deeply understand all the knowledge about the war, because of their age, they have to experience these, but in a note of these at the same time, they also remembered many beat.

46、The soldiers and the fighting are not pided, as a soldier, I am engaged in the cause of the hungry and proud.

47、The war will bring outstanding figures, will wash away all the filthy mire. All men are afraid of war. Cowards, however, are the ones who make their own fears overcome their responsibilities. A sense of responsibility is the essence of a husband


49、The war is simple, simple, ruthless, and therefore requires a simple and ruthless person to carry out the war in the end.


51、There are two successful soldiers. One is because the rise head and shoulders above others another person is humble, because I belong to the latter character.

52、What is strategy? The strategy is to let a son you have raised, asked him to take a place. If he can't do it, just take it out!

53、Not on the level of the officers thought the staff officer opinionated issue orders left and right, to think teachers advocate his view of the scene is the most disgusting.


55、The greatest tragedy of my life is to survive from the last war, died in the war on the battlefield is always I planned to do, I really should die in the end, but one cannot go to Dutch act!

56、I would rather be a won the Distinguished Service Cross Second Lieutenant, rather than when a distinguished service cross general.


58、I don't want to be happy. I just want to be successful. I prefer working hard for one hundred years to win a war, rather than something to live for one thousand years.

59、Our regular army is based on the spirit of adventure and the true desire to serve the country.


61、I have no talent for politics, like a cow to be utterly ignorant of hunting, and I are not interested in politics. In addition, I think that if a person's military reputation is mixed with politics, it will be very bad.


63、If a man wants to live, he must be vigilant. Otherwise, some of the German son of a bitch will secretly touch his back with the power to kill him.


65、I often was in danger, but through my lightning means and the style, taste like smooth foot thorns change danger into safety.

66、In a speech to the third army, general Barton said that the law of war is to make the other person feel terrible, we have to take their women, burn their city, kill their soldiers. Let the atmosphere of terror spread throughout the city.

67、We don't care about the cause of the war, it's the politicians, and the reason is always right.

68、Successful generals often adapt their plans to the environment, not the environment.

69、The military is also a citizen, in fact, the ultimate obligation and rights of citizens is to take up arms to defend the motherland.

70、The soldiers have two kinds, one is that the humble and rise head and shoulders above others, another is that personality, I belong to the latter.

71、The war may be fought with weapons, but by men. It is the spirit of the people who lead and follow.


73、Who says war is a torture of human endurance? The war to ascend out of the beasts, to show his good qualities: courage, loyalty, self sacrifice, helpfulness, loyal to the responsibility.


75、Only in the national interest above personal interests in the human to progress, personal heroism is a kind of corruption.






81、No bastard because of the death of Wei won a war. He is by making the other poor silly bastard die to win.




85、When you fall, climb up you will find your face with not soil, but your soldier's blood and intestinal oil, You'll see. should do, pick up the sword to expose German paparazzi belly, with their blood and intestinal oil to lubricate our tank track.







92、We have the world's best food, the best weapon equipment, the best spirit and the best men. To tell you the truth, I pity the bastards who are going to fight us. Really.

93、In times of peace, there is nothing to be proud of. A person is based on his ability to position, rather than according to his rank. During the war, people will only pay attention to the victorious people and will not pay attention to their ranks.




97、Not all heroes are as described in the legend. Every man in the army plays an important role. Don't be careless and casual, think that your job is of little importance. Everyone has his own task and must do it well. Everyone is an essential part of a long chain.



100、The only way to keep the enemy from attacking you is to attack him and keep attacking him.



103、Americans never forgive losers. Americans despise cowards. Since Americans compete, they have to win. I win people to sniff at that.

104、Sometimes I defend me in and have been proud of occupation, like is ill. It is one of the oldest and most suitable occupations I have ever thought of, and why is it that the profession is getting lower and lower as a result of its operation? A long time of peace has made it impossible for people to see its value. But once the danger happens, it will immediately become sublime, become a dominant force, and nothing else matters.

105、There is no democracy in war, only absolute dictatorship, the use of force to achieve the purpose of.

106、There's too much jealousy, hatred, evil, and all the evil, let them all go to hell, they have friends, I have my life.

107、War is an art, and it is not an emotional interpretation of a fixed formula.


109、I love war, work and exciting things. Peace is a hell for me.


111、The greatest characteristic of great men is their loyalty to their subordinates.


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