

人气:453 ℃/2025-01-05 10:27:35


2、We absorb the essence of all cultures, learn from every corner of the world.


4、When we are faced with a challenge, we have no cowardice, no retreat, no hesitate to move forward. We look far from God's love. We go on the road of freedom, our spirit will shine forever.

5、Your people will judge you on what you build, not what you destroy. To those who cling to power through corruption and deceit and the silencing of dissent: you stand on the opposite side of human history. If you can open your fist, we will extend the hand of friendship.

6、This is the basic concept of freedom and democracy around the world under attack, is objective, the freedom of the press and the facts and evidence of weakened or ignored the moment, such an environment, only to the people the big horn is not enough, this is why you go to dig out the question, to resist twisting facts and lies than ability and responsibility the past is more important.


8、The United States is at war, facing a network of great influence, violence and hatred. Our economy is in recession. This is due to the greed and irresponsible of some people, but as a whole, we are unable to make difficult decisions in the face of a new era.



11、We need to avoid the lack of dream, people want to drive the car, wear good clothes, live a good house, but don't want to work hard. Everyone should try to find their own potential.



14、Any political party is not advanced, and represents the interests of some people. As long as they are not restricted, they will become the highest crime rate, will become the enemy of the people.


16、The Internet is the most open and transparent network in history. We need to keep it open and transparent. I will prevent Internet providers from performing differential treatment in order to limit the freedom of expression on the internet.


18、Starting today, let us all unite, cheer up, and begin remaking america.

19、Time and again, these men and women struggled and sacrificed; their hands were raw so that we might live a better life. In their eyes, the United States goes beyond the sum of our inpidual ambitions, beyond the differences of inpidual, wealth and faction.

20、Greatness does not come out of thin air, it is won. In our journey, we never take shortcuts or retreat.

21、I believe at the end of life, when you look back, you will remember two things: your love for your friends and family, and those moments of love. And there's your memory of helping others. I think these shape your life and give it meaning.

22、How much sweat and tears we have today, but the road has just begun. Today, we make a sincere effort to ensure that the children left the world a little better than now.


24、I stand here today humbled by the task before us, grateful for the trust you have given, mindful of the sacrifices borne by our ancestors.

25、As the world becomes more and more closely connected, our common humanity will be revealed, and the United States must undertake the task of ushering in a new era of peace.









34、We need to get rid of the situation with no ambition at all people want, a good car, wearing clothes and living in a mansion, but are unwilling to work hard.


36、Both at home and abroad, there are journalists like you, committed to the dissemination of information to the citizens, so that leaders are responsible for the words and deeds, let us become, to serve the people. It's a huge responsibility, and I realize it's a huge challenge. Because today's economy is fast, not the depth, justice and conflict can best grasp the reader's eye.


38、For those who advocate terror, killing innocent people, our spirit is stronger and cannot be broken. You can't beat us, we'll beat you.

39、If you are on the right track and willing to stick with it, you will succeed in the end!

40、Today, we gather because we have chosen hope over fear, unity of purpose over conflict and discord.



44、When someone says we can't do this, we need to respond to this timeless creed: Yes, we can.

45、We meet today with unprecedented challenges, all of which are completely unknown. But those values upon which our success has never changed: honesty, diligence, courage and fair play, tolerance and curiosity, loyalty and patriotism.


47、Sixty years ago, a father left the restaurant and even ignored. And today his son may stand here and make the most solemn oath before you.

48、Standing on the side of the truth, does not mean that you want to lose objectivity, in fact, this is the essence of good news.


50、To those who are watching our country and people said, whether you are busy raising a city or as to the small village where my father: for those who seek peace and the dignity of men, women and children, the United States will always be your friend, we will continue to move forward together with you.



53、Only our hearts and hearts of hope, is our constant efforts to keep fighting, and constantly move forward the source of strength.

54、If you are on the right path and you are willing to go on, you will make progress.



57、Let us build the public discourse on the basis of truth and open the door to democracy.


59、Our country may never be perfect, but generation after generation has shown that our country can be improved.


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