

人气:412 ℃/2023-06-20 23:57:01




Dear passengers, I'm very glad to be together with you to visit Shaoxing.I'm Lin xulu, the tour guide. You can call me Xiao Lu. I will provide you withthe most intimate and meticulous service, thank you!

Attention, everyone. We have arrived in Shaoxing, and soon we will arriveat Lu Xun's former residence. Special reminder: it's the peak season fortourists. Please take good care of your valuables after you get off the bus,follow the team and pay attention to our flag.

We have arrived. Lu Xun memorial hall, Lu Xun's former residence and LuXun's hometown are all close together. I will show you around one by one. Getoff, please pay attention to safety, do not touch damage, do a civilizedtourist, thank you! Friends who want to visit by themselves should gather at theplace where they get off before 3 o'clock.

Please see, this is the place where Lu Xun lived when he was a child. LuXun's ancestor was a big family, so this ancestral home is very big. Thefurniture inside is well preserved. Here is the kitchen. Look! This is thechildren's room, which is the room where nannies and children live. Lu Xun wasborn here. This courtyard is Lu Xun's "BaiCaoYuan". When he was a child, Lu Xunand his friends caught crickets, carried water, stung and plucked Polygonummultiflorum. I had an unforgettable childhood. In his youth, he studied with histeacher in Sanwei bookstore. When he grew up, he wrote at his desk.

OK, it's 2:30 now. It's half an hour before the meeting. You can buy someShaoxing specialties. Remember to get off at 3:00!

Time flies. Two days have passed. We will be home in about 10 minutes.Please pack your luggage. I'm glad to meet you. I'm very happy to be with youfor two days! I wish you good health, happy every day, we will meet again!bye!


Hello everyone, my name is Yu Shihan, a student of class 4 (10) of Beihaiprimary school. Today, I will show you around Lu Xun's hometown. Speaking of LuXun, we all know that his original name is Zhou Shuren. He is the greatestwriter, thinker and revolutionist in modern China. Lu Xun's spirit is known asthe soul of the Chinese nation. Now I'm taking you to the place where Lu Xungrew up and studied as a child.

Walking into Lu Xun's hometown, a picture of the late Qing Dynasty and theearly Republic of China is displayed in front of tourists. Through Fangkou oldstreet in Dongchang, we come to the gate of Zhou Jiatai, Lu Xun's ancestralhome. There is a small patio and hall in the entrance. Behind the hall is theplace where Lu Xun lived when he was a child. A small patio behind the building.Bluestone pavement. There is a tall osmanthus tree in the courtyard. In lateautumn, the fragrance of Osmanthus is very fragrant, so it is also called theosmanthus hall. To the north is the kitchen, with three cooking holes and onecooking utensil. In the north of the kitchen, there are three bungalowsseparated by a small patio, and in the back is the herb garden. Everyone musthave read "from BaiCaoYuan to Sanwei bookstore" and that's what it says.BaiCaoYuan covers an area of 2000 square meters. There are two gardens, big andsmall, where Lu Xun's children play.

About 100 meters away from his former residence, we came to Sanweibookstore, where Mr. Lu Xun studied when he was a child. On the middle wall ofthe room are the plaque of "Sanwei study" and the picture of pine deer. There isa couplet on the column of the room: "music is silent, filial piety is the onlything, too beautiful and tasteful is reading". There are square tables andchairs in the room. That's where Mr. Lu Xun studied. He still has the word "Zao"carved on his desk!

Time flies. This is the end of the introduction of Lu Xun's hometown.Welcome to visit next time! Thank you!


Hello, tourists! My name is Hu Keyu. I'm the tour guide who takes you to LuXun's hometown.

Let's go and have a look at the beautiful scenery there! When you enter thegate, you will first see four black people embedded in a gray and smooth stonetablet: "Lu Xun's hometown." there are pictures of potholes on it. In front ofthe stone tablet, there are statues of Kong Yiji and other four people. I'llgive you ten minutes to take a group photo.

Now let's go to visit Lu Xun's ancestral home with me! Lu Xun's ancestralhome is Lu Xun's former home, which includes master's room, master's study,bedroom, piano room and kitchen.

Let's go out of Lu Xun's ancestral home and have a look at the oppositeSanwei bookstore. Sanwei bookstore was the place where Lu Xun read when he was achild. But there is a word "morning" carved on Lu Xun's desk. The word "morning"is because once his father was ill. He rushed to the drugstore early in themorning to buy medicine for his father, and then fried it well before he went tostudy. As a result, he was late for school and was taught After a few typing, hecarved a word "morning" on his desk, thinking that he couldn't be late in thefuture.

Now let's go to BaiCaoYuan! Entering the gate of BaiCaoYuan, you can seegreen vegetable beds, smooth stone well fences, tall acacia trees, purplemulberry trees, where Lu Xun played as a child.

Time flies like an arrow. In a flash, the tour of Lu Xun's hometown isover. Welcome to come again next time. Goodbye!

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