

人气:142 ℃/2023-09-25 13:37:34




Ideologically, the fine style, treat people sincere, can better deal with interpersonal relations, doing things calm and stable, can reasonably arrange the affairs of life. For the community for the school for the students to do things for the people around is no longer feel cumbersome, but very happy to do and can be satisfied and happy, not to think about doing their own things, others less control. And has been in the pursuit of personality sublimation, pay attention to their own conduct.

I worship people who have great charisma, and have always wanted to be able to do it myself. In college life, I insist on self-reflection and strive to improve their own personality, and now I understand the truth, willing to help others not only to cast a noble character, but also get a lot of their own interests to help others but also to help themselves. Looking back over the past few years, I have been very happy to have helped the students when I was in trouble. Similarly, my classmates also gave me a helping hand when I was in trouble. For the teacher, I have always been very respected, because they are in a loss when I guide to help me.

Without the help of a teacher, I might not know where to go. I now realize that character is not so much a personal character to run, as it is the responsibility of the individual society as a whole. A person living in this world, you have to bear some responsibility to the community obligations, with a noble character, you can correctly understand their responsibilities, in the contribution to achieve their own value.

Learning, I did not let myself down, the results have been among the best.Scholarships are awarded each year. I am a mechanical and electrical professional, know not only the theoretical knowledge, but also practical ability, so I often participate in practical activities. Now is the information age, learning the professional at the same time, I also conducted a computer learning, through efforts to get the national computer grade three. I learned a lot of new things, I am very willing to help people who need help, and greatly improve their self-learning ability. Then there is learned to use the learning method at the same time pay attention to independent thinking.To learn hard only hard to learn is not enough, to learn "methods" to do things.

I have come here to learn the purpose of "fishing", but it is easier said than done, I changed a good many ways to do what is diligent in thinking, the case of the old man, There do not know where to diligent to ask.In learning, to "independent thinking" as their motto, always remember not to alert. With the progress of learning, I not only learned the basic knowledge of the public and a lot of professional knowledge, my mind has also been a qualitative leap, to a more rapid grasp of a new technical knowledge, I think this is very important for the future. In the study of knowledge this time, I and teachers to establish a strong friendship between teachers and students.The teacher's earnest teaching, so I realized the fun of learning. I and many students around, but also established a good learning relationship, help each other to overcome the difficulties. Now I have to face graduation, is doing graduate design, I became the design team leader, but also exercise the self-hands and analysis of problem-solving ability, benefit.


After four years of mechanical and electrical integration of the University of professional courses, modest and self-discipline of me, optimistic, sincere, frank, hardworking team spirit, strong adaptability and self-learning ability, not susceptible to external interference, In the study, I have good grades, many scholarships, through the spare time to learn to participate in self-examination (construction), to participate in Zhejiang Province computer grade examination has been through a windows, two (vb), three (network technology). In the depth of textbook knowledge at the same time, pay attention to the combination of theory and practice, the use of spare time for a variety of computer software learning and use. In the face of every practice of the school are taken seriously, strive for the best, to learn more professional knowledge, in the praise of teachers at the same time, but also lay the foundation for future work.

As a college student, I think the most important thing is not to say how good his book read, but how he should have the quality of the brutal competition in this society to survive! I think everyone has their own way, also have their own means of livelihood. Competition through the survival of society will be more exciting than the other way to survive, what business is not in the competition to grow up, so competition is the lifeblood of enterprise survival. Speaking of myself, is a very ordinary person! But I also have their own quality, I love life, like hard work, in good faith but also hard-working, with team spirit. Hope to use their own efforts to work hard in the future. Find a more and others can contact, full of competitive career! The real iron rice bowl is not in a place to eat a lifetime, but no matter where to have food to eat!

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