

人气:115 ℃/2023-03-06 23:28:43

1、Autumn, you are more prosperous than spring, you are more colorful than spring.




5、Fallen leaves, some dancing like butterflies, some flying like orioles, and some like dancers in light rotation.

6、In winter, it was snowing heavily, and snowflakes fell on persimmon trees one after another, like putting on a white cotton jacket for persimmon trees.



9、The sunshine piercing the clouds is like a golden thread, criss-crossing, sewing the light grey and blue grey clouds into a beautiful pattern.


11、In autumn, sweet-scented osmanthus blossoms on Osmanthus trees, so that people from far away can smell the intoxicating fragrance.



14、The scenery in the snow is magnificent, the sky and the earth are uniform, only a piece of silver can be seen, as if the whole world is decorated with silver.

15、Winter is already so cold before it comes. If winter really comes, I don't know how cold it will be. Maybe it's freezing everybody.



18、In autumn, the sky is very clear and white clouds are also smiling. The tall poplar trees clapped and the wind quietly transmitted the good news.


20、The golden autumn night is a good day for crickets to sing. Crickets raise their voices and sing to their heart's content. The rustling leaves seemed to accompany crickets.



23、Autumn girl came to the park, she woke up sweet-scented osmanthus and autumn chrysanthemum. The fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus made passers-by stop to and fro, and the splendor of autumn chrysanthemum made everyone intoxicated.


25、Years of wind and dust mixed with frost, will also wither hope. As late autumn is approaching, the cold wind sweeps the fallen leaves, and the bustling moment is lonely.

26、Autumn wind bleak, layers of forest dyed, a golden yellow; in the sunshine, walking in this dense forest, really has a different taste.

27、The cold winter has come, and after a heavy snow, the whole Oriental red has become a cosmetic world. The willows were covered with silver bars and the lawn was covered with silver.

28、It snowed, first small snowflakes, like willow catkins floating gently; then the bigger and bigger, a tight burst.


30、The arrival of autumn brings people laughter for many years. How he wishes you could stay longer and make the friendship between them deeper!

31、Golden autumn is coming. The sky is like a sapphire covering the earth. It has been wiped clean and beautiful by the autumn wind.


33、Inadvertently scattered in a pool of autumn water, playing with the autumn halo of the pool, tapping a curtain of mind, autumn rain lingering, rain banana sound.


35、In winter, a thin layer of snow, like a huge soft wool blanket, covers the vast desert, shining with cold silver.

36、Early winter, like a beautiful, noble, reserved princess, dancing her magical veil, sent a gust of cold wind.



39、A red sun sprang up on the sea, bright and dazzling. The sea and sky were instantly filled with golden glow. The sea changed from dark blue to blue.

40、Golden Autumn is very beautiful for me. There are dancing leaves, fruits and winds. The golden autumn evening is even more wonderful.



43、In winter, camphor trees still grow stubbornly, without fear, like a soldier, facing the frost and snowfall, guarding our campus day and night.

44、The persimmon trees are hung with small red lanterns like flames, like full-fed little dolls, so cute! uuuuuuuuuuu

45、The wind of the shallow autumn hides a few minutes of the afterheat of the late summer. The flowers are silent, but the running water understands. A heart lotus is blown by the wind into the fragrance of a poem.


47、The autumn rain makes the leaves tremble. The trees that once brought us harvest leave lonely branches under the devastation of wind and rain.

48、Looking at that piece of falling snow, I shed tears, I do not know whether it is moved or lost, because the heart for a long time can not calm down, unable to extricate themselves from missing.

49、It snowed, and snowflakes fell from the sky. Soon, the ground, trees and roofs became white.



52、The fruit of the grape is ripe. Under the yellow green leaves of the grape, there are a bunch of bright grapes, like a bunch of purple-black pearls.



55、Winter is coming! Winter is coming! Winter Girl came in a hurry, dressed in pure white, with a pair of scissors in her left hand and a fan in her right hand.




59、Like cotton floss, like reed flowers, like dandelion with fluffy seeds, like snow, flying in the wind.

60、The golden autumn sunshine is warm and quiet, the golden autumn breeze is gentle and gentle, the golden autumn blue sky and white clouds are elegant, and the golden autumn fields are golden everywhere.

61、Summer is a passionate Gypsy girl, without the shyness of holding the pipa half-veiled, completely whether she can be happy, angry and sad.






68、Nine cold days, ice and snow, the whole world has become a big refrigerator, the mountains are shaking cold, the river is frozen stiff, the air seems to have to solidify.


70、The arrival of autumn ripens the fruit trees. Look, the apples are all laughing red, like thanking Aunt Qiu for making them mature.

71、The beauty of golden autumn is rational. It is not so charming as spring, hot in summer and implicit in winter.

72、Autumn brings fruit trees to maturity. Look, the apples are all laughing red, like thanking Aunt Qiu for making them mature.


74、After the snow, the snow is decorating the world, Qiongzhi Yuye, powdered jade, bright and uniform, it is a happy scene of Ruixue Fengnian.


76、The beauty of autumn is mature. It's not as shy as spring, as open as summer, and as introverted as winter.

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