

人气:470 ℃/2024-04-03 00:00:09

1、For lovely eyes, see the benefits of others; if you have a beautiful lips, speak words of kindness. If you want to be graceful, remember that you are not alone.



4、People, more importantly, have the ability to self recovery, self resurrection, self rescue, self redemption; never expect anyone.

5、For attractive lips, speak words of kindness; for lovely eyes, seek out the good in people; for a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.

6、If I'm honest, I should tell you, I'm still reading fairy tales, and they're my favorite book.



9、Long ago, I had decided, no matter what the situation, just to accept life; I never expected it would have added to my eyes, although now I have as many I had ever hoped. In fact, most of the time, it just happened to my life, I don't even have to look too.





14、People should be full of energy, self repentance, self reflection, self growth, rather than complaining about others.

15、If I'm honest, I'll tell you, I still see fairy tales, and they're my favorite of all the books.






21、My work principle is: don't complain, don't give up even if you're tired, don't go out when you have a show. Sonia taught me that if you work hard enough, you will succeed.



24、Life is like going around the museum in a hurry, it takes a while before you start to absorb what you see, think about them, read them, and remember them - because you can't digest them all at once.

25、I am convinced that they believe to be strong, optimistic girl is the most beautiful. I also believe that tomorrow will be better.




29、Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you'll find it at the end of each of your arms. As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.



32、If you ever need a helping hand, you'll find them at the end of each of your arms. When you are old, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.


34、Life is like walking through a museum. It takes a while before you begin to absorb what you see, think about it, read about it, remember it, because you can't digest it all at once.

35、Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you'll always have your hand. As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.

36、Marriage is two people who love each other decide to live together. Whether or not they sign a contract, there is a sacred engagement between them. For me, the only reason to get married is. If I can't meet my husband emotionally or physically, or if he thinks he needs another woman, I won't take it. I'm not that kind of tangled, let the other woman.


38、I've been lucky. Opportunities rarely appear out of thin air. So, when they appear, you must seize.

39、I'm always alone. I would be happy if I spent the whole weekend in my apartment. This is my charge process.

40、The reason why people are people, must be full of energy, self repentance, self reflection, self growth; not to complain.

41、When you grow up, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.






47、If I want to tell the truth, I must confess that I still enjoy reading fairy tales, and the book I like best is fairy tale book.

48、For beautiful lips, speak words of kindness. If you want a loving eye, see the benefits of others. If you want a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.

50、As you grow older, you will find that one of your two hands is self serving, and the other is helping others.

51、People need to repair, restore, restore vitality, transformation and rescue. So never give up on anyone.

52、I like people who have the ability to make me laugh. Laughter is probably my favorite thing to do.




56、The key is to control your emotions. It is one of the most undesirable acts of reckless conduct to injure a person.

57、People need to rebuild, refresh, revive, recycle and redeem more than anything else.


59、If you ever need a helping hand, you'll find them at the end of each of your arms. As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.

60、Choose a day and enjoy it until the end. I think the experience of the past can help me enjoy the present, and I don't want to waste any of the present to worry about the future.

61、In the course of love and marriage, I have always been concerned about being abandoned, this concern in my love. The most afraid of losing is often the most cherished thing, you fear it will change. Why do we like in crossing the street and look around, because we are afraid of being hit, but we still have to cross the street.


63、For attractive lips, speak words of kindness. If you want to have lovely eyes, you must be good at discovering the advantages of others. For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry. For beautiful hair, let a child run his or her fingers through it once a day. For poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone.

64、Love is always accompanied by risks, we should maintain the essence of love - love is not a momentary impulse, but a long-term test.

65、The opportunity does not go hand in hand, so when they come, you'd better hold them.





70、The more the material, the less I want. Many people want to go to the moon, but I want to see more trees.

71、I have long ago decided to accept life unconditionally. I never expect life to give me anything special, but I always seem to achieve more than I had hoped for. Most of the time I didn't seek it, it came to me.



74、The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes, because that is the window of her heart, the place where love resides.



77、I have heard a word: happiness is health and a bad memory! I wish that I first said this sentence, because this is the truth as sure as a gun.

78、Beautiful eyes can discover the virtue of others, beautiful lips will only say good words, beautiful posture can be in parallel with knowledge, so never lonely.

79、I'm always alone. I'm glad I can be alone in the apartment all weekend. That's how I charge.

80、The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, is not her posture, nor is she combs her hair.

81、One is to forge ahead from setbacks, from Miss longing for the future, recover from illness, from ignorance to become civilized, from the extreme distress which brave salvation, constantly self salvation, and as far as possible to help others. The advantage of human beings is that they must be full of energy, self repentance, self reflection and self growth.

82、I'm an introvert. I love to be alone, love being outdoors, love with my dog to walk, look at the trees, flowers, look at the sky.




86、I believe in pink. I believe that laughter is the best way to burn calories. I believe that The more, the better. kiss. I believe in adversity, but also strong. I believe a happy girl is the most beautiful girl. I believe that tomorrow will be a new beginning, and a miracle will happen.

87、Love is not terrible, terrible is the love of the withered and deterioration. After all this, I realized that it was a cruel way to distort your life and shatter your life. If my life is only a quiet night, not to be tortured love doomed eternally point, love is not what terrible.

88、The reason why people are people, is full of energy, self repentance, self reflection, self growth; not to complain.



91、If my world were to die tomorrow, I would look back on all the happiness, excitement and excitement that I had had. It's not sorrow, failure, or my father's leaving home, but the happy side of everything.

92、Admit it, a piece of chocolate cake, which is very soft and smooth, can work wonders for a lot of people.


94、I need to be alone. I would be very happy if I could stay alone in my home from Saturday night to Monday morning. This is the way I'm rejuvenated.


96、I've been lucky. Opportunities rarely come out of thin air, so when they do, you have to grab them.

97、Cherish life, no matter what happens, no matter who will enjoy the experience. In my opinion, the past experience let me know how to cherish now, I do not want to worry about the future of the wasted time at the moment.

98、I was born with the need to be loved, and there was a greater need for love.







105、From a psychological point of view, my firm belief from restlessness and inferiority. Since I can not overcome the performance of the tension, it can only be down to earth, focused, pay the greatest effort.



108、What is happiness? It is a kind of happiness to be satisfied when I achieve success. I think it is also a kind of happiness to live with people who understand themselves.

109、The beauty of a woman is not in a facial features is reflected in her soul is beautiful. This is the love she gives and the passion she shows. The beauty of a woman grows with the passing years.


111、The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mode, but the true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows.

112、Her charming lips speak words of kindness, lovely eyes because it is good to see the merits of others, is slim because of the food with the hungry, beautiful hair is because the child's hands often touch it, and the attitude and knowledge on the source of elegant counterparts.

113、I had long ago decided to accept life unconditionally. I never expected anything special to happen, but I got far more than I expected. But most of the time, what happened to me didn't go away.





118、Appearance is indispensable to women's capital. In fact, two people talk again speculation, after the meeting, or the appearance of all. The external decision of two people together, the inherent decision of how long the two together.


120、The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mode, but the true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. The beauty of a woman grows with the passing years.

121、For attractive lips, speak words of kindness; for lovely eyes, seek out the good in people; for a slim figure, share your food with the hungry; for beautiful hair, let a child day touch your hair once; If graceful posture, remember you're not a pedestrian walk.

122、I have heard of the saying that happiness is health and a short memory. How I wish I invented it, because it was right.



125、If the world tomorrow, I will review those who are lucky enough to experience the joy and surprise, not sad, abortion or father leaving and sigh. Happy moments are enough.

126、The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mode, but the true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. To be kind to give, and warm.


128、From a person's evaluation of others, compared to other people's evaluation of this person, you can see this person more thoroughly.

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